PlayJC Mission Statement: To improve quality of life by providing a platform to increase the…
Junction City Junior Baseball Association: Spring-Summer Recreation Leagues 2020 REGISTRATION OPEN
Collaboration with the wonderful folks at the City of Junction City and 12th Street Community Center have allowed us the opportunity to utilize the amazing technology to assist JCJBA with this year’s registration.
To Contact JCJBA by Email:
- Create an account: Click here to Create an Account
- Follow this link to complete the registration paper work: Click HERE for JCJBA – Spring-Summer Registration 2020
- Payment: *Payment will not be done through the City of Junction City’s CivicRec system. Further instructions will be sent in email form. $40 – Instructional League, $65 – Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, $70 – Pony Leagues
- A Copy of the participant’s Birth Certificate will be provided to the organization when asked. This information will be kept confidential, for internal use only.
- Scheduling Details: Your Coach will contact each member of your team regarding practice/game schedule and locations as the season approaches.
IN-Person Registration
- Attend an In-Person Registration Event
- Bring payment with you: $40 – Instructional League, $65 – Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, $70 – Pony Leagues
- A Copy of the participant’s Birth Certificate will be provided to the organization when asked. This information will be kept confidential, for internal use only.
- Scheduling Details: Your Coach will contact each member of your team regarding practice/game schedule and locations as the season approaches.